Micro Set Solution - Decal Setting Solution/Remover (1 oz)

Codice: MSMI1
Prezzo: €8.90

Microscale Industries - Micro Set Solution - Decal Setting Solution/Remover (1 oz).

Micro Set is a very versatile decal setting solution that does several things to Microscale Decals to improve application. Micro Set should be applied to the surface of the model where you will be sliding the decal off the paper backing. Micro Set prepares the surface with special wetting agents that cut the oils in new paint and converts the adhesive on the back of the decal to a stronger and longer lasting one. In addition, Micro Set slightly softens the decal film to make it more flexible so that it will conform better to the model's surface. Better adhesion of the decal to the model prevents tiny air bubbles from forming and results in an invisible carrier film for the so-called "painted on look." To apply Micro Set: Use a soft flat artist's brush and apply Micro Set where you are going to apply the decal. Then slide the decal off the backing paper using a small pointed tip synthetic bristle brush to carefully position the decal in its proper position. Blot the decal carefully with a tissue or paper toweling, being careful not to disturb its position. Allow the decal to dry overnight. It will then be ready for a protective coat of Micro Coat Flat, Satin or Gloss.

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Micro Set Solution - Decal Setting Solution/Remover (1 oz) microscale MSMI1
Micro Set Solution - Decal Setting Solution/Remover (1 oz) microscale MSMI1
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